GB RailRover – Day 2

158703 at Thurso
158703 at Thurso

Plan for the day

The plan for Wednesday is to head north from Inverness as far as the train can go; once there to come back and then go on to Aberdeen:

Plan DepTrain NoJourneyPlan ArrNRT Miles
07:002H61Inverness to Wick11:31175
12:342H62Wick to Inverness17:08175
17:131A26Inverness to Aberdeen19:36108.25

As before my thanks to Real Time Trains for the material in the links.

Operations on the Day

An early start this morning as it takes a long time to get to the Far North!  As far as Dingwall I am on previously explored track having travelled to Kyle of Lochalsh and over to Skye using the ferry (long before the bridge was constructed).  However the onward route to Thurso and Wick is all new ground.

I have been this way since that trip by car – but the rail line takes a very different route particularly north of Helmsdale where the road stays close to the coast and my route today goes inland.  Rail is now at a huge disadvantage to road in journey time as the rail route has to go inland first to Beauly whilst the road traverses the Kessock Bridge and again near Dornoch where the road has a bridge whilst the trains go inland to Bonar Bridge to cross the Kyle of Sutherland.  The former is perhaps less of a problem than the latter which adds a lot to the journey time.

Weather is much improved this morning and there are decent loadings on the service as we head North.  With the request stops on the line now having modern facilities to alert train crew to waiting passengers we go through most of them at close to line speed so easing the pressure on the driver.  Dunrobin Castle is an exception as a number of passengers alight there to visit the castle.

Train crews exchange at Lairg with those on the southbound unit taking us onwards and our crew taking charge of the unit heading towards Inverness.

Spotted several times today is a new countryside adornment.  About three or four times today a digger is randomly “abandoned” in the corner of a field adjacent to the line.  All of them seem left with no obvious digging work to undertake and no staff anywhere near.  Quite why or what they represent remains a mystery.  It seems like a lot of expensive machinery to leave almost lying around – although with the low level of population they are unlikely to go anywhere.

The route is far more rural and heavily populated by sheep (and some cows).  In nearly every case the low service frequency means that we are given a display, particularly by lambs and calves, of how fast they can run from the noisy machine which might be about to enter the field and chase them around.  Older ewes are less prone to run, staring at the mad antics of their offspring as they make a run for it.  Needless to say the ewes have seen it all before – probably yesterday.

Once the line has turned inland at Helmsdale much of the route is over the Flow Country which is new to me.  it is an extensive blanket bog system of peat which acts as a significant way of addressing the climate change and is currently seeking World Heritage site classification – a decision is awaited.

At the far end of the line the train reverses at Georgemas Junction before heading to the furthermost north station of Thurso and then heading back to Wick where lunch is acquired in a very conveniently located Coop.  An hour after arrival a new train crew starts us up with a journey to Thurso before again reversing at Georgemas Junction and retracing our earlier steps.

158703 at Wick
158703 at Wick

On the return journey we have a long period where it appears a TSR has been imposed since our outward journey and we lose time.  We steadily recover the time as our journey continues until we reach Connell Ferry where the time is largely lost as a large coach party leaves us and we are late into Inverness.

Jump off near the front of the train and run around to the departure platform for the train to Aberdeen and jump on the first door where the guard is standing.  A two minute connection and I make it.  Quite why the train leaves at that time I am not sure as a couple of stations down the line it has to await a working in the other direction before entering a single line section.   Another I7C  unit so very comfortable for this run.

Lovely countryside through here and in addition to the other wildlife there is a hare which runs briefly and then sits upright with huge ears in a ploughed field.  More deer too.  It looks like good farming country.

The hotel in Aberdeen is immediately outside the station and is at the very least convenient.

Rolling Stock

The lack of refreshments both ways to Wick is a slight problem and something on the service to Aberdeen would have been welcome – a huge coffee deficit today.  No first class on the Far North line – but a decent loading particularly on the southbound journey with the coach tour of pensioners who had presumably gone north on the coach so were making a one way journey on 158.  As already mentioned the I7C to Aberdeen was very comfortable.

Ticket Checks

The crews on the Far North line carried out checks plus there was a check on the way to Aberdeen.  Scotrail are good at regular ticket checks.


An absolutely wonderful day for the scenery – nine hours on one unit with a brief break in Wick was somewhat boring – but apart from the resulting tight connection in Inverness it was a lovely day to see the scenery.


GB RailRover – Day 1 Part 2

170452 at Edinburgh for Tweedbank
170452 at Edinburgh for Tweedbank

Plan for the day

The plan for the first full day on the Railrover is to visit a new line from Edinburgh and then to go to Glasgow before heading for Inverness:

Plan DepTrain NoJourneyPlan ArrNRT Miles
07:402T64Edinburgh (6) to Tweedbank08:4038.5
08:502T65Tweedbank to Edinburgh (7)09:4838.5
10:082H19Edinburgh (10) to Helensburgh C (2)12:1668
12:252H34Helensburgh C to Dalreoch12:388
12:512E73Dalreoch to Balloch13:025
13:082E56Balloch to Westerton13:4115
13:532V37Westerton to Milngavie14:042.5
14:062V54Milngavie to Glasgow Queen Street (9)14:308.25
15:071H21Glasgow Queen Street (7) to Inverness18:26180

As before my thanks to Real Time Trains for the material in the links.

Operations on the Day

Today I have my first opportunity to travel the Borders line to Tweedbank closed in 1969 and re-opened in September 2015 and once we get off the Edinburgh main line the first few stations are close together.  Noticeably the car parks along the line (and at many other Scotrail stations) are very full.  As we get further along the line the stations are more widely spread and I know from driving through the Borders Country the much touted extension towards Carlisle passes through many sheep but no real conurbations which will provide traffic.  A pity it was not constructed as electrified line and my understanding is that spare capacity for additional services is limited – but decent patronage.

Highlight on the return journey is to spot a deer in an adjacent field which seems unsure if it should runaway.

My next journey is westwards on the line to Helensburgh Central via Bathgate  on a line previously either part closed or freight only which was reinstated in 2010 as an electrified line and now attracts significant passenger usage through the main Central Belt of Scotland.  West of Glasgow it eventually joins the line to the West Highlands before reaching Helensburgh Central.

Retracing my steps slightly I am now going to visit a pair of branch termini – Balloch at the southern end of Loch Lomond and Milngavie where I suddenly realise that my incoming train does not form the outgoing connection which is pawing the ground awaiting a green signal at the other platform.  I was already at the front pair of doors and walk around the end of the two trains and onto the rear doors of the unit which is ready to depart.

334009 and 334025 at Milngavie
334009 and 334025 at Milngavie

That was scary!

This runs through to Glasgow Queen Street Low Level and I ascend into the modern main station.  Here I have time for a cup of coffee before joining an I7C (HST stock) for a train to Inverness.  For the first time today I am in real comfort in some well maintained and recently updated rolling stock and with decent power these units are providing some real quality for travellers as we head up to the Highlands.  This is very definitely the way to travel.

The line to Tweedbank is mainly agricultural as we get away from Edinburgh whilst even the Central Belt line via Bathgate is not entirely devoid of some open fields, although more industrialised than earlier.  West of Glasgow the line runs along the Clyde river – largely mud on this tidal area but later in the week it will be passed covered with water.  Once heading towards the Highlands the landscape starts changing significantly as we travel towards Inverness especially as we parallel the A9 for a large chunk of the journey and are typically moving faster than the road traffic as we traverse the Cairngorms National Park which covers the line from around Killiecrankie until a little way short of Tomatin.  Lovely to watch the world go by!

Lunch was easily obtained when I first arrived at Edinburgh this morning and consumed whilst using the Bathgate line.  Pre-planning meant that dinner was booked for the Mustard Seed in Inverness and this is located along the river front and is recommended.  Many mussels and followed by an some excellent venison.

The four branch termini (Tweedbank, Helensburgh Central, Balloch (sadly the onward length Balloch Pier is long gone) and Milngavie have not previously been visited so quite a bit of new track covered today and one of the most interesting changes was Westerton where I caught a train once before and remember it being a little bit of a wasteland.  It is now developed all around, with relatively modern developments showing a huge increase in residential development in the area.

Trains were generally all well used and time keeping was generally excellent throughout the day.

Rolling Stock

On the Borders line Class 170 with first class accommodation is used, although it was not clear that first class tickets are available and indeed there seems to be a war on first class on many journeys – one wonders why operators are so keen to forego revenue from first class (probably slightly warped view as I was travelling on a first class ticket ahead of a particular journey later in the week).

The electric operations are a variety of class 334, 318 and 320 units notably one of each of the latter two paired up and this must be deliberate to run the two types together for some reason.  All workmanlike and varying degrees of dirt.  Heavily used workhorses and nothing wrong with that.

The I7C units are a class apart of course and have the benefit of a lot of spare power (compared to the weight) to get trains moving rapidly and then to hold decent speeds on the main lines.  Very comfortable seating and inevitably a snooze or two happened as we headed northwards.

Ticket Checks

I found Edinburgh rather strange – a ticket was needed to get through the barrier off of the sleeper but joining the train to Helensburgh later did not mean passing through barriers as I recall.  On train the trip on the Class 170 there were ticket checks on the train and the same was true on all of the electric services where the checking was regular.  Given that there are often two units coupled on these services I have to assume that both units are each carrying revenue staff which means three people on a train – a long way from Thameslink services!


An excellent day – not the best of weather but that matters little when on a train and it improved in the Highlands.  The excellent time keeping and rail activities made it all straightforward with little worry or concern.  A solidly boring and reliable railway today.